Saturday, November 29, 2008

Run # 8 - GiveIndia

The Cause: This week I spent a lot of time with my nieces and nephew for Thanksgiving. I loved having them at my house and we all had a great time. It was pretty tough for me to say goodbye to them last night as they headed back home just under 1,000 miles away. I don't have any children of my own yet, but when I do I know I'll want them to always be safe, happy, and healthy.

I imagine there are thousands of other Uncles just like me living in India today. The recent tragic attacks in Mumbai has shed worldwide light on the dire situation there. The statistic I read was that 18 million children live on the streets in India, certainly thousands who are nieces and nephews, and that number has assuredly gone up due to last week's tragedy.

GiveIndia is a donation platform that allows you to support a cause of your choice in India ranging from those geared for children to those that are disabled to the elderly. Since it's inception, over 30,000 donors across the globe have been able to impact over a million lives by supporting 150 organizations through the platform.

Visit GiveIndia.

The Run: I wasn't sure how I'd feel as I ran tonight considering I started just after my family left. I did try to put things into perspective though and I am thankful they drove quite a distance to see me. I felt great to start though as I ran and I carried it all of the way through. It was my best run so far of the streak so maybe I'm starting to get back in shape.

Up Next: Network For Good.


Mel-2nd Chances said...

That's awesome that you got so spend time with your nieces and nephews... and definitely another great cause. I had no idea that the statistic was that high... very sad.

Unknown said...

Thank you for featuring the work we do! I wanted to let you know that the Bombay Charitable Public Trust has started a fund for the families of those killed in the terror attacks as well as those injured.

Click on the link below to learn more:

We wish you all the best for your runs!